While we’re all home during lockdown, it’s an ideal opportunity to get out into the garden and tackle those jobs we don’t normally have time for or try something completely new.
With the nice weather we had over Easter I’m sure most of us lucky enough to have a garden have already been out making the most of it. If you haven’t started yet – don’t worry, it’s not too late!
The first thing to do is give the garden a Spring clean. Empty out old pots and give them a good wash. Clean your garden tools. If you have a greenhouse, clean that too. Sweep or power wash any paths, patios and decking.
In the borders, get rid of any plants that have died over the Winter. Cut back seedheads and dead foliage on perennials before this year’s growth starts to take off. Once Spring bulbs have finished flowering deadhead the flowers – leave the foliage to go brown before you remove that. And start to tackle the weeds! Weeding is nobody’s favourite job, but if you get on top of them early in the year before they start to flower and seed everywhere, it will make life easier later in the Summer.
Once you’ve done all the preparation it’s time to think about the nice bits! If you have a garden that’s full of foliage, why not think about adding some perennials in between for some seasonal colour? Or maybe you have a border where nothing grows, and you’d like to add some new plants. I can help with remote planting plans and there are local nurseries like Macplants https://www.macplants.co.uk/ and Binny Plants https://www.binnyplants.com/ who are still supplying during lockdown. Maybe you’d like to add some instant splashes of colour – why not add some annuals to pots on your patio? Pentland Plants https://www.pentlandplantsgardencentre.co.uk/ offer a range of colourful bedding and hanging basket plants.
This is also a great opportunity to try growing your own veg. It’s a great activity to get the kids involved with too. Salad crops like lettuce and rocket are very easy to grow, either on a windowsill or in a tray outdoors. Radishes grow very quickly and will be ready to harvest within about 4 weeks of planting. Beans, such as broad beans and runner beans are fun to grow, and some have very pretty flowers too. Plant seeds in cardboard toilet roll tubes filled with compost and keep indoors until the seedlings reach about 10cm tall. Transplant into a sheltered spot in the garden, tubes and all! Potatoes are also easy to grow, either in the ground, or in pots or sturdy bags on a patio. Harvesting them is like digging for buried treasure!
Whatever you decide to plant, just remember to keep it well watered.
Happy gardening.